Automatically save customer email address for receipts
Merchant would like the Clover Device to save Customers's email address so that they do not have to type in the email each time for receipts, especially if it is a returning customer.
Jassi commented
Merchant wants account number and email address added to receipts for customer so she can locate their account when they pay. She said payeezy had it and would like clover to have it.
tom commented
add the cell number for texting too
Anonymous commented
This would be super helpful and something our customers are requesting
Frequent Business User commented
It's 2021, and Clover still doesn't have this. The merchants that all use Square have this built in and it works across merchants too, which is such a nice smooth experience for user and merchant.
Imagine being a super popular walk-up merchant and getting less POS throughput because everyone enters in their email address every time. Other POS vendors even offer a hot-button for the most popular email domains (,,,, etc.) which further saves time entering in information.
Anonymous commented
It is possible if they create a customer on the customers app and add the email on the customers information. Then they'll have to create the order thru the customers app.