Update Customer's saved credit card info without having to charge their card.
Allow the option to update a Customer's saved card info, without having to actually make a charge to the card.
This feature is planned for 2024
Daniel commented
Clover Team, do you have an update for users on this?
I am looking for the following functionalities for "Recurring Payments":
1. Ability to update expiration date without having to completely delete card on file
2. Auto reminder to customers who have recurring payments when cards are expiring
3. Ability for a business to ask customers to enter their own CC info when setting up recurring payments. Square does this.Thanks.
Pearl Dennis commented
I agree with everything that Ray said, see below. Why was this available in Payeezy but not available in Clover VTerm. Very frustrating for merchants who were forced to migrate off of Payeezy to now have less functional process for dealing with expiring cards.
Saved credit cards should show the expiration date. This would allow for a proactive notification to my customers that I have an outdated credit card on file. At the very least it should have warning message credit card has expired. In addition, I should be able to update the credit card expiration, given that is the only change to make the credit card valid. There should be a report for this with the ability to notify be email in bulk.
Ray commented
Saved credit cards should show the expiration date. This would allow for a proactive notification to my customers that I have an outdated credit card on file. At the very least it should have warning message credit card has expired. In addition, I should be able to update the credit card expiration, given that is the only change to make the credit card valid. There should be a report for this with the ability to notify be email in bulk.
Dennis Huppertz commented
There needs to be a way to edit, add or remove credit cards using Customers in Clover. The way Clover is set up now requires that the merchant run a transaction to add a card for a customer. With recurring payments, it is especially important for a merchant to be able to go to their customer in clover to add a different card or update the card on file, so there is no interruption in payments. This is a common feature fond with other payment gateways.
It is not logical to run a "Card Verification" in Virtual Terminal to add/update/remove a card for a customer in Customers.
Hello - Thanks for reaching out. Can you please explain the use case. In addition, this can be achieved via card verification
Hello, thanks for the feedback. Can you share what you are trying to accomplish in detail?