The fact that the ability to pull a single list with all items, each with their category listed in a sortable column, as well as the on-hand inventory, is utterly deplorable for a system as powerful as this. The data is there, and implementing this into the download would cost NOTHING. Either that, or enable export of items, costs, and on hand quantity WITHIN the Categories tab. One or the other is a MUST HAVE: I should not need advanced Pivot Table and lookup Excel abilities to create a simple list. Please address ASAP.
The fact that the ability to pull a single list with all items, each with their category listed in a sortable column, as well as the on-hand inventory, is utterly deplorable for a system as powerful as this. The data is there, and implementing this into the download would cost NOTHING. Either that, or enable export of items, costs, and on hand quantity WITHIN the Categories tab. One or the other is a MUST HAVE: I should not need advanced Pivot Table and lookup Excel abilities to create a simple list. Please address ASAP.