Currently in order to register a customer on a recurring membership plan you have to open a web browser and visit the clover dashboard, manually inputting the information. Clover should have a built in app in its software that allows an employee carrying a "Flex" device for example to input member information, and then take a sale payment for that membership plan, therefore enabling the software to recharge the same card each month. The app should also allow employees to quickly view whether a customer is a member or not, either by entering there phone number or scanning a barcode for example.
Currently in order to register a customer on a recurring membership plan you have to open a web browser and visit the clover dashboard, manually inputting the information. Clover should have a built in app in its software that allows an employee carrying a "Flex" device for example to input member information, and then take a sale payment for that membership plan, therefore enabling the software to recharge the same card each month. The app should also allow employees to quickly view whether a customer is a member or not, either by entering there phone number or scanning a barcode for example.