Agree - GET RID OF 2 FACTOR AUTHENTICATION. It does not correctly authenticate for system use. For a company where employees need to access the Clover Account, the 2-factor authentication makes it impossible for business owners to have support staff manage the account.
It is time to get rid of 2-factor authentication. Upgrade your system to verify automatically via location, neuroprint, or even liveliness.
At the very least, give the account holder the option to use 2-factor authentication or not. Do not require it.
Agree - GET RID OF 2 FACTOR AUTHENTICATION. It does not correctly authenticate for system use. For a company where employees need to access the Clover Account, the 2-factor authentication makes it impossible for business owners to have support staff manage the account.
It is time to get rid of 2-factor authentication. Upgrade your system to verify automatically via location, neuroprint, or even liveliness.
At the very least, give the account holder the option to use 2-factor authentication or not. Do not require it.