100%. It is so easy for you guys to change the way you calculate tax on an order, instead of taking the price of each order and then multiply by tax rate, you take the order total and divide by (1+ tax rate) and you get the tax amount. Then you can record that amount in our reports. However, when we do it now, the system has rounding errors and makes the total order like in the case @Z mentioned $9.99 instead of $10. Please add this very useful feature.
100%. It is so easy for you guys to change the way you calculate tax on an order, instead of taking the price of each order and then multiply by tax rate, you take the order total and divide by (1+ tax rate) and you get the tax amount. Then you can record that amount in our reports. However, when we do it now, the system has rounding errors and makes the total order like in the case @Z mentioned $9.99 instead of $10. Please add this very useful feature.