Void kitchen order receipts is a necessity We had to create an inventory item that says VOID ORDER and employees click that VOID ORDER and fire that receipt to the kitchen but then the chef doesnt make that entire order. We have tried adding a note on the order to say cancel item and that is too time consuming for the employees.
There needs to be a bubble in the clover dining section that says void items to kitchen. Once that void item to kitchen is clicked then click the item to void then that receipt gets fired to the kitchen so the chef knows what item to not make
Void kitchen order receipts is a necessity We had to create an inventory item that says VOID ORDER and employees click that VOID ORDER and fire that receipt to the kitchen but then the chef doesnt make that entire order. We have tried adding a note on the order to say cancel item and that is too time consuming for the employees.
There needs to be a bubble in the clover dining section that says void items to kitchen. Once that void item to kitchen is clicked then click the item to void then that receipt gets fired to the kitchen so the chef knows what item to not make