Controlling Software Updates from Clover
Clover does its best to time rollouts during hours that most merchants are not operating. However, I believe the merchants themselves would know best which days of the week / times of the day it is least disruptive to update their POS software. Would be great to give merchants the option to set "update hours" and then honor them by not releasing any new updates outside of those hours.
Mark Vestal commented
I Agree that software update hours should be controlled by the merchant as to what time they would like to set to receive the update. Surprise updates that take down the system during business hours are unacceptable.
Anonymous commented
Can we please STOP doing updates doing peak times. I have had bars on twice a Friday nights have orders and paid bills disappear during the updates. In addition, the POS are really slow. Both bars have at least 6 Clover Station 2018. These updates need to happen in the early A.M. hours and differently not on a Friday and Saturday.
tom commented
Doing a software update during the middle of the lunch or dinner hour can create disruptions to the pos.
It would be nice to get a pop saying there are updates to download. Would you like to do them now or later?Updating the pos at the end of the night when your business is closed is better