Allowing the merchants the ability to cancel recurring payments within 24 hours.
Allowing the merchants the ability to cancel recurring payments within 24 hours. Currently merchants have to cancel recurring payments at least 5 days in advance. Merchants are requesting the ability to cancel recurring payments faster than the 5 days turnaround time. Some merchants are reporting that recurring payments are still charging customers even after they cancel the recurring payments. Engineering advised that merchants must cancel recurring payments at least 5 days in advance.
This is planned work for the second half of 2024.
Thank you for your feedback.
Alice commented
Currently, Clover has a 3 day payment processing window. If a customer pays off their balance and we stop the recurring payments within the 3 days before their payment date they still get charged the set payment.
We have had this happen with people paying their accounts off early, right before their due date, OR requesting to stop the recurring plan within the day window and having on control over that.Seems to our office that the cardholders should be able to have control over their cards, hold on a payment, or stop the recurring payments at any time.
We came from Payeezy, where payments could be paused/stopped at anytime and no charge would run. We miss that capability.