11 results found
Better retail register interface
It would be great if the register interface had more options for how it displayed. I have a wine shop, and we do not need categories or items to the right side of where items show up in the register app. For us, it would be ideal to have just a simple and bigger interface to see customer orders as we scan them.
It would also be fantastic if there was a way to add the total # of units in a customer order. We like to double check on larger orders that the # of wine bottles going into…
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Barcode Label Printing
The new Retail Growth Plan has "Printer Labels" within the Inventory, and it is confusing for retailers that want to print barcode labels. Please update the plan to change the verbiage and/or to enable merchants to print barcodes/labels for retail.
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Clover DUO -Overrides
Overrides For Managers: a chip card for the Station Duo or 2FA with a QR code for over rides. The Chip card could be inserted into the Mini. QRs of course would be scanned via managers phone, they confirm via code and the override is successful. This would totally eliminate the use of the managers pin and potential for other issues
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Pinpad without power needed for Clover Compact
A pinpad without power is needed for the Clover Compact! With the Clover Compact terminal only using another Compact as a pinpad makes it very difficult to use because of the power needed for the pinpad!
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Allow customizable THANK YOU messages on your FLEX Gen 3 devices
Allow for customizable THANK YOU Messages after a payment is received. This can be before or after the choice of receipt options.
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Device settings
Clover Dashboard settings should be mirrored on the Clover Devices.
An admin should be able to make changes to all device settings from the device or from the dashboard.
You should not have to log into the dashboard to make device setting change.
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Add Discount Button(s) to Payment Screen
Include Discount Button(s) on Payment Screen (rather than having to choose it on order screen). Guests do not usually present discount cards until the payment process, so we find cashiers having to back out, click the discount pull-down, then choose a discount. Having up to 2 discounts and a third button that links to existing discount pop-up) would save time and effort.
Having up to 3 discount buttons would be great!
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1 vote
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Improve your receipt template please!
Please improve the template on your payment receipts. I have a wine shop, and we do a lot of volume discounts for our customers. Your current receipt template is confusing, as it just lists the total cost next to the item. For example, if a customer buys 12 bottles of a wine, the receipt just shows the total amount on the line item. For a sale like that, we offer a 20% standard discount, but again, your receipt just shows the total amount of the discount.
What would make things easier is if you could format the receipt so it…
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add option to hide any or all buttons on the print/email receipt screen after transaction.
add option to hide any single or multiple buttons on the print/email receipt screen after transaction. also the ability to set a limit on how many times the print button will print a receipt. (10 presses results in 10 printed receipts) Currently there is only the option to not display the screen or display the screen.
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Automatic Customer Payment Receipt control per device
Being able to auto print customer payment receipt per device basis rather than applying the setting across all devices on the same MID.
Ex, want auto customer payment receipt printed from clover stations while offering manual selection on the Flex device.
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