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Welcome to the Clover Services Forum.  You're here because you are a Clover Services merchant and would like to submit ideas that you feel would enhance/improve Clover's current offerings in the Services space. 

In order to submit your idea you'll need to give it a Title then select the Category that best matches your idea.  Below are brief descriptions of the Clover Retail Categories.

Here are quick descriptions of each category so that you can easily locate and post ideas in the correct place!

Appointments: Ideas related to Clover’s Appointment software.

Employees: Please include all your feedback and suggestions for enhancing Clovers employee management software. This includes permissions, viewing and editing employee roles, employee satisfaction, scheduling, owner access and more. If you have tipping suggestions, please include these ideas in the Tipping category of the Taking Payments forum.

Engagement: Share your thoughts on Clover’s built-in software that allows businesses to manage customers including viewing/storing customer information.

Hardware: Ideas related to Clover hardware in the Restaurant space

Inventory: Please include all your feedback and suggestions for enhancing Clover’s inventory management software.

Invoice: Ideas related to Clover’s Invoicing feature.

Orders: Ideas relating to the process of creating and managing Orders.

Reporting: Ideas relating to improving and enhancing Clover’s reporting.

Website: Ideas related to your Clover branded website.




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130 results found

  1. I have a lot of clients in the service industry that use the Clover Invoice feature. However, one major frustration is that the recipients of these invoices cannot add a tip, and those in the service industry really rely on tips.

    I see in another ticket titled "Include a "tip" section in an online invoice sent via virtual terminal/email," that somebody from Clover said "this feature is now live," but it doesn't seem to be.

    Please add this option or please explain how to turn on this feature.

    Thank you!

    9 votes
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  2. We're an ISO and I just noticed that the DBA character limit has been reduced to 24 characters. Most DBAs now have to be abbreviated. Our merchants have been calling to complain and there's literally nothing we can do. We can't understand why this change was made even though we fully understand that FDPOS has a character limit. Clover dashboards didn't used to have this limitation and there doesn't seem to be any discernable or logical reason to reduce the character limit

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  3. Recurring payment invoices showing a "Failed" status should allow for in the view invoice the resulting bank code as to why it failed i.e. credit card expired, insufficient funds, closed account, etc. This gives me more insight into my customer so I can make decision on how I plan to rectify the account.

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  4. Currently the invoice payment notification only comes to the email owners account. It should be able to come to an email that the owner sets as the email. We have staff that sends out the invoices but the only way they know someone has paid is if the owner tells them they got the notification in their owners email box. This should be able to be set to go wherever the owner wants it, because this is inefficient for the owner otherwise.

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  5. REQUESTING MULTIPLE "TO" EMAIL ADDRESSES FOR SINGLE INVOICES: Merchant with new CLOVER ACCOUNT is requesting the ability to send invoices to multiple email addresses for one customer, such as TO the APPROVAL MANAGER and ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. Merchant stated he CAN enter more than one email in the CUSTOMER app on Clover, but he said it is a show stopper if we can't sent out two emails at once.

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  6. Multiple shifts per day:

    We have 2 services ( brunch and dinner) per day with 2 different teams, therefore we need a closeout report ( sales and tips) per shift - not per day

    We also need different menus per shift.

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  7. It would be nice if when adding a customer onto a new order that the option would be available to send the add customer page to the customer station for them to fill-out instead of the associate being the one to ask them their information and fill it out. Possible a pop-up asking associate to send page to customer or not.

    6 votes
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  8. Since the dashboard update this week, I can no longer view my "notes" on my invoice. This is directly impacting our work flow.

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  9. For the love of dear baby Jesus, would you please let the web UI remember more than one device? I log in from a few different devices (home PC, work PC, tablet, phone), and constantly have to go to my phone to get the 2FA code because it only remembers the last one, not this one. So it defeats the purpose entirely to remember a device.

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  10. we have clover and we have a spa bsuiness that sells retail creams, and besuty products. we need to add an image and a anrea for a brief discription so it can dispaly onthe terminal and and as the client can see it on the screen. this is will be helpful

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  11. We are needing more controls in place for better management of discounts, in particular for employee discounts. It'd be helpful to either be able to implement controls to restrict which items can be discounted. Or alternatively, there be a separate list or page of items eligible for discounts by staff. This would be the only page where any employee can access without requiring a manager approval. In addition, be able to put in controls around limitations to minimize abuse of discount and theft.

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  12. Looking to be able to hide categories on the register layout. In the categories column it would be nice to have the option to be able to turn on and off categories on the managers back office like you can do with the items. In some instances the way we run our retail shop it would be more efficient for my employees not to have some of the categories appear on the register orders page in certain parts of our year.

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  13. Just moved business to clover max and have 14 terminals all linked. There's no option to manually settle machines. You need to wait until they auto settle everyday.. silly.

    There's two auto settle reporting options:

    1. Group all employee sales together under Quick Access and nobody can find what their individual sales were.
    2. Have everyone log in but all 15 machines print 5ft long settlements every settlement including all employee sales on every settlement, 15 times across all machines.

    This is the silliest and worst feature I can imagine, and I've never seen this problem with another company. Possibly annoying enough…

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  14. A quick reference guide for frequently used functions was expected when we switched over to Clover. I will make my own for my employees but it would be nice if Clover would put one out.

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  15. I need you to add a payout button to my device so the employees can see the payouts and it will show on their reports. I also need it to show up on my dashboard

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  16. While you can edit Price with the Quick Edit feature, you cannot edit Cost. Merchants need the ability to bulk edit the Cost of items, especially when they have items with variants, without needing to export their entire inventory and filtering through thousands of items to make the necessary changes before re-importing.

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  17. Need the ability to create a Recurring Invoice that automatically emails a recipient with a Payment Link that allows them to enter their payment themselves.

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     ·  System responded

    Thank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.

  18. In Salons each employee performs a different service, so tip splitting and Commission pay per service is very important to have.
    This will help finalizing the transaction in one payment instead of separate transaction just to payout the tip to the correct employee whom performed the service.

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     ·  System responded

    Thank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.

  19. When an invoice is paid, the owner of the account receives an email notifying them that the payment has been made. However, it would be nice if the owner could add a second person's email address (like the accountant).

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  20. It would be nice if the "Search" boxes stayed at the top of the page after you open an item.

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