18 results found
add images to the items / investory
we have clover and we have a spa bsuiness that sells retail creams, and besuty products. we need to add an image and a anrea for a brief discription so it can dispaly onthe terminal and and as the client can see it on the screen. this is will be helpful
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While you can edit Price with the Quick Edit feature, you cannot edit Cost. Merchants need the ability to bulk edit the Cost of items, especially when they have items with variants, without needing to export their entire inventory and filtering through thousands of items to make the necessary changes before re-importing.
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Item Search Boxes
It would be nice if the "Search" boxes stayed at the top of the page after you open an item.
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Category Toggle
Looking to be able to hide categories on the register layout. In the categories column it would be nice to have the option to be able to turn on and off categories on the managers back office like you can do with the items. In some instances the way we run our retail shop it would be more efficient for my employees not to have some of the categories appear on the register orders page in certain parts of our year.
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Inventory Transfer
We would like to have the option of creating a Transfer option for the Merchants from the current active account to the new active account when the business is in the same location. For example - On the dashboard on the inventory app - there can be an option that says "Transfer" - then next a filter option to filter "items, modifiers categories.." or "Select all" - Once the option is selected on what they would like to transfer - then they should see the option that shows them a field that says "Enter Merchant ID", they should be able…
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Broaden Inventory Functionality
Allow for input of vendor information through inventory for better ability to purchase stock from vendors
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there should be an option to keep inventory on modifiers. modifiers should have stock count like items do.
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Inventory Imports
When importing the file(s) Messaging is inaccurate: errors appear, once errors are corrected, the import is unsuccessful as more errors appear for some of the same cells shown previously . Adding items manually seems to be the best workaround at this time.
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Flagging of high-dollar voids or excessive item deletions
We are experiencing a suspicious volume of excessive item deletions as well as high-dollar voids. Is there a way the system can flag this to prevent abuse and theft? Whether this sends a notification to the virtual dashboard alerting admin and/or requiring Managerial Approval before processing.
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Ability to update an item from in the category to in stock
Merchant would like to be able to open an item category and update the items via the "In Stock" toggle within the category rather than having to use the item list to toggle the item in stock.
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Fixing Scanning Issues
Since the update, whenever we scan a single item on our dashboard, it jumps around to a bunch of different items in inventory and brings up a random list of them, and we have to look through to find the one that we scanned. We've spent hours on the phone, updated everything we can hardware and software wise, and even bought a new scanner. This only started after the update, it is definitely a Clover malfunction.
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Restore lost functionality to inventory screens
Restore lost functionality to inventory screens.
The columns in categories does not hold changes made top which columns are displayed, even if you click "save"
Next time your in the screen they have reverted back to default.
Why even have a "In Stock" column when what you need is "stock Count"
I waist too much time changing these back to what I need, every time go go into the category inventory screens.
The columns used to stay put until the most resent update when a lot functionality went away, including being able to scan a UPC or enter an items…1 voteThank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.
Add previous and next Items Buttons while editing an item
It would make adding or making mass edits to items if there is a "previous item and next item" buttons on the top somewhere when edit a single item. This would just take you to the next item in the list you were in. instead of backing out and finding the next item.
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1 vote
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Item Sales/Inventory
First, let's start off saying that I love the clover system. Very user friendly!!
When doing inventory is it very organized in a-z order but when working the inventory in letter beginning in f after editing it sends you back to the top start. If it could hold the inventory where you left off would be very helpful especially when clearing out old inventory. In reporting, items sales breaking down the categories for sales report it used to hold the category you have selected for the next day now it clears, and you have to select the category items from…1 voteThank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.
Merchant would like to load the entire items page on the Web Dashboard instead of having to click the "load more" link at the bottom of the
Merchant would like to load the entire inventory items page on the Web Dashboard instead of having to click the "load more" link at the bottom of the page to show more items.
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App for wireless scanners
We recently purchased the Duo station with the handsfree wired scanner and had hoped we could use our hands free Munbyn scanners to work in the warehouse to scan items in/out or even use our phones to do so. However, there's currently no app available from Clover that allows for it nor do they have a hands free scanner that would allow for automatically updating our inventory in the Clover system. So our "check in, check out" system we had planned to use for our inventory is dead in the water - we need the ability to scan wirelessly. Very…
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Can you build in a system to alert when inventory reaches our par. Other POS systems have this feature. How long will it take you to set up?
Can you build in a system to alert when inventory reaches our par. Other POS systems have this feature. How long will it take you to set up?
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