DON'T allow system to approve a payment for a debit card transaction that does NOT have enough funds to COVER the COMPLETE amount of the sa
DO NOT alow system to APPROVE a debit card payment that does NOT have ALL the funds available to COVER the transaction... NEEDS to DECLINE ...
NOT doing so... Causes BUSY clerks to MISS ALL the funds were not accounted for in APPROVAL
AND - ALSO makes it so BANKS can use it as an excuse to collect an OVERDRAFT FEE from the Consumer
I have a busy gas station that ran a transaction for $81.12
The clerk ran the card and the customer left
The Bookkeeper discovered a discrepancy that they were SHORT $79.42
Was discovered the system approved a transaction with ONLY "$1.70"obviously available from thwe transaction...
NEEDS to be a means for Merchants to CHOOSE to set payments with debit cards to DECLINE ... If "ALL" funds are not available
CANNOT always count on BUSY or NEW Clerks to CATCH this oddity when it happens ... ANd they should not have to ...
Payment should DECLINE to they can ask for ANOTHER form of payment that CAN get approved to cover the ENTIRE amount ...
So the business does NOT end up LOSING MONEY to this issue.
Businesses shoud NOT be caught in a banking greed focus pickle designed to collect overdraft fees for bank as Merchant LOSES from their business for this tactic
Something needs to be changed to DECLINE a card AT TIME OF SALE without sufficient funds
At very least, Merchants NEED to be able to choose a setting IF to TURN OFF a card approving without enough funds to protect from LOSSES

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