cap on maximum dollar amount for discounts applied to a single invoice.
I am writing to request a feature addition to the discount app and the rewards app in the form of a cap on the maximum dollar amount that can be applied to a single invoice. It has been observed that our customers often redeem their rewards or discounts with a considerable purchase, say a large catering order. In such scenarios, allowing unlimited dollar redemption can lead to loss of revenue and subsequent financial burden on the business. Therefore, to mitigate such risks, it is essential to have a cap on the maximum dollar amount that can be discounted per invoice.
The proposed feature will allow businesses to specify the maximum dollar amount that can be discounted per invoice, thus empowering them to limit their financial liabilities while still providing exciting discounts to customers. For instance, a customer can be offered a 10% discount on their next purchase with a restriction of a maximum $20 off per invoice.
Adding this feature to the Clover POS system will positively impact not only our business, but also other businesses that use the platform. It will enhance the discount and rewards scheme, making it more effective and manageable for our business and for all businesses that take advantage of the feature.
Thank you for considering this request. We look forward to hearing from you soon.