Guests by Server - Reporting
Merchant would like a detailed summary of all the guests the employees/servers added to the clover dining app. Merchant wants a count of guests per server. How many guests was reported by clover dining app for the whole restaurant for the end of day customizable with timeframe option. And average sales per server/employee in one page and organize them by the best perform to least performance in sales or guests added to the clover dining app.
Adam Davenport commented
I agree. I have a client that needs this functionality as well. Analytically, restaurants need to have accurate guest counts to validly calculate accurate check averages. Analyzing check averages helps owners and managers to coach staff on suggestive selling / recommending items, upselling appetizers, add ons, deserts, etc... Some restaurants add on compensation to servers for higher check averages. This is very important to help restaurants to identify revenue producing opportunities.