Credit Card Tips Witheld
The merchant would like to withhold tips of 3-4% in the employee sales report . By law tips are 100% transferred to the employee, however now the merchant is paying full credit card processing fee's on tips on monies they do not keep, making this non-compliant, there can be a feature on the dashboard back office, to turn on "Tips witheld" only % displayed that will reduce their cc tips. This will offset the cost of processing credit card tips against the company, this will update the reporting for cc tips in employee sales report and homebase. The employee sales report will feature their take-home tips of the day or payroll calendar, deducting 3%-4% in reporting only. Funding will be as usual through the batches this is only for reporting so merchant can keep the extra 3%-4% that is getting deducted currently on tips. Example: Credit Card Tips - $59.00; Tips witheld ($1.77); Total Non-Cash Tips Owed - ($57.23)