Utilizing Fraud Tools with COLO results in a high rate of decline/abandonment. .
The QR Code order page doesn't even have a field for street address. Therefore, enabling AVS with street address results in a high rate of decline/abandonment. Same with ApplePay/Android Pay which don't require AVS or CVV. All Contactless payments in COLO decline with Fraud Tools enabled.
Anonymous commented
Utilizing Fraud Tools tends to result in a high rate of declines & abandonment w/COLO. The QR Code order page doesn't even allow for street address so activating that AVS protection declines all COLO orders. Likewise, since Apple Pay/Android Pay transactions do not allow AVS or CVV data input, ALL contactless COLO ORDERS Decline. Are we tracking the COLO Decline/Abandonment rate? The COLO system defaults to the barest minimum of Fraud protection upon activation. Many Merchants want to have more protection, but the system won't allow without resulting in declines/abandonment.