Import Customers
Merchant has a over 1000 customers he needs to bring over from a different device and would like this enhancement for the clover.
Blas Garcia commented
I have a merchant with 300 customers and over 500 points per customer, I would need to input every customer one by one the way the clover dashboard is set up. This does not help Square customers or other pos customers that want to go with Clover. I did find a third-party app called Customer Upload by a developer under Abreeze Technology with a 4.9 Star. However, the app service is $39.96 I personally think the dashboard should have the upload feature, just like the menu build allows for excel menu uploads FYI.
Duncan commented
Yes this is a must. Asked support no alternatives given. Greg Masood if you know of alternatives please share.
Greg Masood commented
There are multiple apps that support this functionality now