Website Inventory adjustment should be returned
I was relieved when Clover added the Quick Edit to the inventory. I was able to cut my time in half by adding or subtracting inventory,
Now that it has been disabled here is how Inventory is added or subtracted.
Currently for 10 items
1. open inventory items
2. find item (Only can do one at a time and if I search for the item it doesn't stay after I save change)
3. open item
4. scroll down to item tracking(worse description ever)
5. open item tracking.
6. add number
7. save.
8. Repeat 10 times
Whoever thought that was a good idea?
With the Quick Edit of 10 items
1. open inventory items
2. find items (can do more than one)
Can you share more detail on the limitation your experiencing with editing stock counts. The ability to adjust stock counts is still available if the Track Stock box is checked in Settings / Inventory of the Clover Dashboard. -
Matt Thompson commented
Please bring back ability to update (add/remove) inventory count directly from item list. Process to add inventory just became 2 additional steps/clicks from ORIGINAL PROCESS 1. click on item count next to item name, 2. adding amount to add/subtract. 3 save. NEW PROCESS where you have to 1. click on item, 2. scroll down to "Item Tracking" 3. Click on "Edit Stock Count" 4. enter amount in +/- format 5. Save