Missing Inventory Management Function
To Whom It May Concern:
This week we received the hardware for our two Clover POS systems. The reason we chose Clover was in large part because it had an inventory management feature that would allow us to, at the push of a button, identify items that needed to be ordered based on levels we would set.
However, during the configuration it came to our attention that this feature is not available at this time.
This led to dismay as well as confusion. I first purchased a POS system for my business 20 years ago. It had this feature. Over the years I’ve had several POS systems and they have all had this feature. It is a basic and simple option, and in today’s day and age its absence is bewildering.
I am told that this feature is in the process of being implemented and in the meantime my option is to utilize a third party vendor at an additional cost of $100 or more per month. Again, based on the simplicity of the programming necessary for this feature, this is tantamount to paying a Cadillac price for a Kia benefit. All of this in addition to the significant investment of well over $4,000 just for the POS systems themselves not to mention the labor costs of putting them into service.
Please let me know what other options are available for this basic aspect of inventory management. In a world that has relied on computers for decades in this capacity please help me to understand how this could have been left out in the beginning design of this program. I am reminded of a computer programming class I took in college circa 1986 when this would have been an entry level aspect from the start.