Add a description line on the receipts from the virtual terminal.
I'm in the limo transportation business, and our clients virtually order our services and we get their info including creit cards, store it and charge their card after every use and we sent them a receipt with a descripion of each charge/service on it. They often use our services frequently with different services and rates.
While there is a line in the virtual terminal under the Order Note, it does not however show on the receipt. This is crucial for us and our clients to have that description line so they can get reimbursed or identify which charge is for what service since there might be multiple and frequent services on different dates!
I tried with the help of the support team, and upgraded the plan and added the clover go app, and nothing worked!! They suggest I write this suggestion here!
Bottom line, I need to be able to add a description of the charge on the receipt the customers get from the virtual terminal, otherwise we'll have to find a different processor.