would like reporting to show morning shift total sales and night shift total sales
Merchant is looking to be able to pull a report with all sales in the morning shift and another report for the night report without having to everyday to change the time range or custom date range just to pull a morning and night shift with total sales .
Robert Biles commented
Drawers need to be counted when a new person comes on shift to work on a chase register. There is no way to close a shift mid day to allow this change.
Trey Burke commented
Agreed 100%. Sold a bar two Clover Stations and had to take them back because of this very thing. They went back to their old Point Of Sale.
Clover needs to look at how other leading POS systems for bars and restaurants handle reports for shift changes between day shift and night shift.
They should not have to go to the Reporting app and manually change the "Clock thingy" every day and every shift from the default.
Clover, please contact me directly if you have any questions or need a case study.
If we get this added, I will be able to install a chain of bars (12 locations with 2 stations each.).