Negative Tender
Clover needs the ability to imitate negative tender transactions via the Register, including the purchase of merchandise from sellers, and payouts to vendors or lottery winners.
Numerous retailers buy merchandise from consumers and resell this merchandise in their stores. Convenience stores make payouts in lottery states.
Existing 3rd party solutions for negative tender and payouts are unsatisfactory. Retail merchants need effective functionality, ease of adding used items to inventory, and simple reporting on these activities.
Cheryl Kornaker commented
Clover needs built in functionality to handle cash payouts from the till to customers/vendors/staff. We often have to payout cash for lottery wins, to cover staff tips, to pay vendors, etc from the till. I am using a 3rd party app (of which there are only 2 that I found) and neither do a great job. Why can't clover simply do a negative transaction (to remove cash) as is done for a refund for example. This would be so handy and used so often.