Export batch file to a PDF
Before I came to Clover, I received a batch report in PDF format that I could customize. The batch number was also a simple 12 digit number. For my needs, I just needed a few filters to reconcile my books and I was done. I was able to include the date/last 4 of the card number/ authorization code and amount. I was then able to match this report to my transactions and not get things mixed up. The batch report now is nothing more than a date, amount and card type summary and some ID number that looks like it's meant for James Bond to decipher. It can't be exported to a PDF and when I try to print it's scattered all over the page. Business Track is the account where I was able to customize my filters. Please ask them how they do it.
You should see the new deposit reporting in a few weeks as we are in the final stages before launch. We think this will solve your need nicely.
Thank you
Clover Communications