View Open Orders from Web Dashboard
The Web Dashboard does not have the ability to view Open Orders from the Orders tab. The drop down menu under All Order Types is blank, there are no selections for Open or Closed. The ability to sort the columns is also gone.
support commented
Also, please add customer name to exported orders excel sheet.
al commented
filter for open order required on clover goingb thru hundreds of lines lol
Mobile Support (Crimson) commented
add Open order filter for web dashboard
Dylan Gatto commented
Merchant is requesting a summary report on the device and online for only open orders. Though workaround provided merchant requesting a summary report be avail like the summary report that is avail now in reporting
support commented
Merchant wants to be able to view a report of Open Orders and net revenue in one place on the device.
Edward Cox commented
Or, if nothing else, at least give us the ability to sort by the Status column so we don't have to scroll through hundreds of orders to find the ones that are open.
support commented
Merchant requesting a filter in order that says Open to easily delete all Open Orders from the Dashboard.