Bottle/Can Deposits automatically added to selected inventory items
Bottle/Can Deposits automatically added to selected inventory items
In most cash register systems, when you sell a bottled or canned beverage that has a bottle deposit, the system can automatically add a bottle deposit (or multiple deposits, for a 12-pack, for example) to the item or order. Clover does not have a way to do this currently.
You can create custom modifiers and assign them to an item, which is a work-around. However, this is imperfect because it requires additional user interaction for each item (you have to select the modifier and then press done - two extra touches, potential for user error, creating the possibility of missing an item being scanned because the system was on the modifier screen while you were still scanning, and slowing down the entire checkout process). It is also problematic when selling a taxable item with a deposit, such as a can of beer. If I add a $0.10 modifier for bottle deposit to a taxable item, it is added to the cost of the item, which is then taxed. In the case of a 30-pack of beer, this results in $0.18 of additional tax being taken, which is incorrect. This also forces me to account bottle deposits as revenue, when they are a non-revenue item.
I know there is an Upsell app that could potentially offer another workaround to this, but it is not compatible with all devices - notably the Station 2018.
Please consider addressing this issue soon!
Thank You
New Minas Runningman commented
Hi in the present feature's of Clover, we don't see an Bottle Deposit option.
We would suggest to add it on clover.
As for any sale of Drinks ( Ex a pack of Coca cola having 24 bottles - We need to charge bottle deposit of $ 2.40 (10 Cents per bottle).
In case if we forget to add the deposit its a loss of sale, so we suggest to add a Bottle deposit tab on the system.
Shane commented
We need an option to allow a modifier to automatically stick to an item it is attached to upon addition to an order. We already have the option to have it pop-up automatically, we even can make it required to select it, so why can we not just bypass that selection process and have the modifier apply itself to the item? This is for adding a bottle deposit fee to items by the way. We currently have it set up as little 5,10 cent modifiers. It is annoying having to click the modifier, then click "done" to be able to move onto the next item. If anyone has any other ideas for handling CRV, please let me know, but I believe this would be the easiest option. Thanks
Gala Mart commented
Currently, you can use tax/fee as an option to add CRV but this option is imperfect for California CRV since CRV on taxable item is taxable and CRV on non-taxable item is non-taxable. With current option to add fees/tax for taxable items will not calculate tax properly. If there is option to add modifier automatically, this would fix the issue.
Matt commented
It seems a recent change has allowed us to create customer Taxes/fees. I can now create a Bottle Deposit Fee (one for singles, one for 6pks, etc...) and apply custom taxes to each inventory item they apply to. This solves the problem beautifully - automatically adds deposits to items that need them, and is ambivalent to other taxes!