Ability to Remove/Disable "Custom Item Button" from Category
Be able to remove or disable the default custom item button that shows up at the bottom of each category. Or to be able to restrict the use/visibility of that button under employee permissions.
Nick Bradley commented
I have the same issue. After this has happened, what is the best way to go back into "Custom Item" sales and make the correction to put them into the correct categories?
Shirley Ball commented
We should be able to remove (or at the very least restrict) the Custom Item button. When used, it does not track properly into revenue reports. We have created a "misc" button under each category so that it tracks correctly however our employees continue to occasionally use the Custom Item button. It seems like a "no brainer" that we, as owners/managers, should be able to simply remove that button from the register screen.
Shirley Ball commented
I know this idea is 4 years old but PLEASE take a look at it Clover Team! I do not want my employees to use this button as it does not feed into the appropriate places on my sales/revenue/inventory reports. Despite having told them during training meetings and having a sign on every register as a reminder, they still continue to use it occasionally. Why can't we remove it?? Or, at the very least, restrict the visibility of it??
Thomas commented
This button needs to be removed and there also needs to be a way to associate specific taxes to custom item for food vs. custom item for liquor.
Jasmine commented
This button needs to be able to be removed OR at least be able to attach it to a Revenue Class.
Rich commented
I’ve got this same problem however our prices do change weekly. I want employees to have the ability to discount a given item in inventory but I don’t want them selecting “custom” every single time because it’s easy, then never go back and modify the descriptor for the inventory. My inventory will never get straightened out if there’s not a permission on it....right now and for the money, Clover is just sliding beads. Give me options and/or permission control pls.
Rich -
Christian Moya commented
This needs to become a thing ASAP, this is a loop hole that dishonest servers could exploit to give free things out.
Tina commented
Merchant wants the option to hide/disable custom item button from Register app
support commented
Merchant has the option to remove custom items for employees but not the option to disable custom Modifiers merchant is requesting this