server check out
Server Check Out. My client needs an industry standard check out report that is in the server daily sales report, but they need it in the Clover Station POS. Their servers check out up front and they need the Station to total up sales, # of covers/people served, and other information from that report. They need it on the POS to print it out. Servers need a formal check out process that is common in the industry. The information is needed to attribute cash paid to the house, $ owed to the server for card tips, and for commissions based on sales dollars and revenue per customer as well.
Adam Davenport commented
Also, when servers check out the system lets them do that with open bills. Internal server fraud occurs when servers leave open checks outstanding that paid them in cash and never close them out. Since it's not on their cash out report they then have all of the money for that sale including the restaurant's money. Clover should not allow server cash outs with open tables in their name to avoid this.