Better Daily and Hourly Reporting
We are able to select a custom date range in our reports, but the data is spit out as an aggregate of all days in the range. So if I select 3 days, I am shown a report of the entire 3 days, instead of each day separately. I am not able to compare data daily except by exporting and manipulating with Excel. I recommend you give us the ability to see a summary of each day that is in the date range, and then if we were to click the summary it should open up a tree to show all the transactions from that day.
Additionally, it would be great to see a chart to compare our hourly sales on each of the days in our selected time frame.
Cafe Del Rey commented
Hourly reporting information is Key and comes standard on most POS companies. The information required for these reports is already stored and presented for same day sales reporting on the dashboard for hour-to-hour tracking. The information simply needs to be saved or archived so that you can look back historically day on day, week on week, month on month to determine sales trends and staffing requirements.
Please make this information available ASAP
LindaB commented
I need to be able to see sales during a set time frame - 12 pm - 4 pm - I need to look at the daily sales to see the trends. I should be able to use the custom date range and enter the hours for the report and scroll through the week. Now the dashboard changes the hours and shows me 12-4 and then 4-8 pm so I have to go back in and set the date and time again to view the sales for the next day. It's VERY time consuming. I hope you put the dashboard back to the way it was!
Sean Blum commented
Additionally. For reporting. Please add:
1. Bundle reporting- example cheese burger is the item. On the dashboard you add ( lettuce, tomato, bun, 1 oz mazo ) so all these pieces can be tracked, followed and monetized.
2. Taxes/ Fees that can be attached to individual items
3. Sub modifiers
Maribel Perez commented
Before looking for other new reports (because so much more is needed), but...the basic Sales Report needs to work. (1) Custom date and time reports are inaccurate. Important for any business to know the timeline for sales. The SAME numbers are reported, despite changing the times. (2) The exported report...not all amounts are correct. (3) Percentages provided are randomly inaccurate on the dashboard; which is ineffective, that they must be verified (4) The'modified numbers' on the exported report do not tie to the totals shown as sold (Qty and amounts) and no, it's not about discounts or refunds. I checked for that.
I advise you to hire a numbers person to validate reports. Customers should rely on your reporting, they make decisions based on these numbers! And if you are charging for this service, it should be accurate.
Vic Bohanan commented
Yes please give more ability to customize reporting. For example, when I select the past 7 days, but I want to see day by day, I should be able to choose each day separately, or consolidated.
I also want restriction so that certain servers can only see the current day report, and cannot select previous days. I don't want the servers to be able to view month to date, or year to date, etc. Only today report.
LindaB commented
This should be an option on ALL POS systems! How am I to know when to up staff or increase production???
Perla commented
I want to be able to pull up a report on the last 7 days, and be able to see a snapshot of all the data, but then also interact with it to expand each day so that I can dig in further... without having to view each day individually.
So you would select 7 days, be presented with summaries of each day, click a specific day to expand the data, and click it again to collapse again, then I can click the next day if I want to expand or expand them all which would be similar to what you provide now except there would still be a line break to show you where each day ends and begins. Right now its so difficult to look at data over multiple days.
Tanya commented
I should not have to download the reports to manipulate it... we need better reporting so that we can do everything we need to from the dashboard.
Ghossian commented
Each day separately, while being able to compare them to each other. Instead of looking at each day one by one and trying to memorize. Export should not be the default action, we should be able to visualize the data on the dashboard.
Youness commented
Exactly! I can't believe how poor their reporting is, the data is there they just need to work with it better. For example, even instead of Clover providing hourly data, they should allow us to create a day part (maybe we want day parts to be each hour, or maybe we want it to be Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner). Should be up to us how we want to view the data, but regardless it should break it out by days not all in one aggregate. They are literally just showing us totals instead of each days amount.
(Edited by admin)