Admin Access Needed for Multi-User Dashboard for Inventory
I need my Managers to be able to access the Multi-User Dashboard to enter new items in inventory. With only Owner access, it means I must create all new inventory items. Otherwise, my Manager has to create it in one location and then duplicate it in our second retail location.
Multi-location management of inventory and other features is a primary focus in 2024 and you should see this and many other features throughout the year.
Thank you
Clover Communications
Chad Kimm commented
It is very important to add admin access to the multi-location dashboard for inventory management. I truly don't understand how this is not already allowed. Our manager has access through her login to each individual location and can add, delete, or modify inventory items, but can't do them through the multi location feature. This leads to excessive time to update each individually as well as the potential to make entry mistakes. The other unfortunate thing to this is that if our manager needs to do a lot of inventory updates, I end up giving her my login to make this efficient, which isn't very efficient.
Developers, please make the common sense choice to allow ADMIN employees to work Inventory in the Multi-Location Dashboard. Thank you! -
Ron Stroup commented
Admin users need to have access to the Multi-Location Web Dashboard for maintaining inventory.
ej commented
The owner of the business explain that he is does not make changes to inventory and only allow his managers to make changes to multi location dashboard .
Merchant want an option to allow his manager or someone else beside the owner to make changes to inventory. Merchant feel that having to share his email and password with his managers is a security risk and he want the ability for managers to makes changes to multi location dashboard without giving them his access.