More detailed Employee report export
Tamra Henning commented
There is not a good way to get a detailed employee report off the device to use when a server is closing out their shift. Server Banking requires the breakdown of cash sales, which really needs to be on this report! Net Sales and Revenue Class would also be very beneficial on the Employees report since many servers tip out the bartender and bussers based on their net sales by revenue class.
Gus Zistas commented
The Clover does not have the option to print the SUMMARY/DETAIL REPORT.
At the day end and you need to see the card totals, transaction totals, and summary report and see it in your hands.
This is the most BASIC report to have on the batch on the end of the day. -
Justin Smith commented
Need the ability to add the customer name on the excel reports. Want to remove other non needed columns and save report as a favorite
Martha commented
Yes, it will be helpful to have a button to see "All Employee Details" as well. Or break the detail at the main employee screen to show the payments/revenues detail for each employee. Currently to know how much cash an employee rang, we need to press detail by the particular employee, which opens up another screen, then back up to the previous screen again to repeat for each employee. Very time consuming. The way reports prints should be looked at too, minor but could be improved!
Martha commented
I Support that. It should be a Master report that includes all reportable fields, in a single report. On the Categories and Labels, each label and each category should show on its own column, not lumped with many. This provides flexibility to merchants to sort many types of data needed, per device (or group o devices), per labels (or selected group o labels), per category (or selected group of categories), etc...
Abii commented
Exported employee report in Reporting App to include Employee details when "All Employees" filter is selected.
Currently merchants have to filter by individual employee, extract the file, and copy+paste them into a single report.