130 results found
Merchant would like to load the entire items page on the Web Dashboard instead of having to click the "load more" link at the bottom of the
Merchant would like to load the entire inventory items page on the Web Dashboard instead of having to click the "load more" link at the bottom of the page to show more items.
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Sort Customers by date of purchase
I would like to be able to have filters to sort Customers different ways MOSTLY by date of visit/purchase
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App for wireless scanners
We recently purchased the Duo station with the handsfree wired scanner and had hoped we could use our hands free Munbyn scanners to work in the warehouse to scan items in/out or even use our phones to do so. However, there's currently no app available from Clover that allows for it nor do they have a hands free scanner that would allow for automatically updating our inventory in the Clover system. So our "check in, check out" system we had planned to use for our inventory is dead in the water - we need the ability to scan wirelessly. Very…
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Being able to see Rewards Member point totals, notes, and names from the reward selection screen
In order to better serve customers, it would be nice to see their total lifetime points, account notes, and be able to customize customer names from the register terminal when selecting rewards accounts. This is especially useful in a grocery/retail setting where you may need quick access to this information.
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Recurring payments on dashboard is there away to edit withdrawal date?
Is there away edit withdrawal date without deleting account or end end date?
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Gift Card app needs to be able to accept payment via Telecheck Check
The Gift Card app is currently unable to accept payment via Telecheck Check. This is a customer service fail; customers will not understand why they can make payments for everything else via Telecheck Check, but not gift cards. Please enable this functionality ASAP.
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Individual User ID Reporting
The merchant would like a feature to allow individual user id to pull reports that only show what that individual user id has captured in sales. We are an academic institution with certain levels of information (donors) that we don't want student employees seeing. However still want the students to have access to the reporting function. So we need them to be able to pull reports but have certain information blocked out to their specific account reports
Thank you, btw the devs for Clover are the best!
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Need to be able to enter an item then multiple it by the number of items sold.
Need to be able to enter an item then multiple it by the number of items sold.
In our MediSpa each client is different in terms of the number of units of Botox (for example) used in a procedure. If client requires 24 units, we have to enter the unit 24 times. Very cumbersome.1 voteThank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.
Employee's on 3.0 web dashboard
Clover Dashboard > Employee's> Add New Employee this form asks all the requisites and information of the employee's but it does not display on the reporting> employee's report of the hourly wages and transferred estimated wages from homebase.
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We need to know who purchased each item and when we add and subtract inventory, incase there is a RECALL
We need to be able to click on each item and get a report on who purchased it. As there can be recalls on items. We also need to be able to see when we added and subtracted inventory. When adding in inventory there is no way that I can find that we can see when we added in new inventory therefore lots of mistakes can be made. We have invoices with 50 items or more and the phone rings, customers come we need to be able to check and besure we added the item and that we didn't double…
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