45 results found
DON'T allow system to approve a payment for a debit card transaction that does NOT have enough funds to COVER the COMPLETE amount of the sa
DO NOT alow system to APPROVE a debit card payment that does NOT have ALL the funds available to COVER the transaction... NEEDS to DECLINE ...
NOT doing so... Causes BUSY clerks to MISS ALL the funds were not accounted for in APPROVAL
AND - ALSO makes it so BANKS can use it as an excuse to collect an OVERDRAFT FEE from the Consumer
I have a busy gas station that ran a transaction for $81.12The clerk ran the card and the customer left
The Bookkeeper discovered a discrepancy that they were SHORT $79.42Was discovered the system approved…
8 votesThank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.
Partial Refunds on Payment links and HCO
partial refunds within the Clover dashboard. As of the current system configuration, there are specific limitations related to partial refunds based on the transaction type:
- Virtual Terminal or Physical Clover Terminal Transactions:
o You can process partial refunds for transactions conducted through the virtual terminal or a physical Clover terminal.
o If a customer requests a partial refund for a charge made using either of these methods, you can initiate the refund directly from the Clover dashboard.
- Payment Links or HCO (Hosted Checkout) Transactions:
o Unfortunately, partial refunds are not supported for transactions completed via payment links or HCO.
4 votesThank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.
A system that tallies or knows how much cash is in the register. We have a cash and card-based business and we need to keep track of what's going in and out of the register especially when we have staff on shift
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Open Orders
As part of our catering operations, we need the ability to view OPEN Orders that were entered at least 12 months in the past. We’ve been using the Clover system for four years, and until September 2024, we could access all open orders regardless of their age. However, we are now limited to viewing open orders that are 30 days old or less.
This limitation creates significant challenges for our catering business. When customers call to make changes to catering orders placed more than 30 days ago, we’re unable to view or modify those orders in the system. Instead, we…
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Partially paid orders should show up along with open orders.
The terminal allows you to view open order or partially paid orders but not at the same time. You should be able to check off in the filters which items you would like to see.
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Separate Customer Profiles w/ Shared Phone, Email and CC info.
We need the ability to create separate customer profiles, even if they share the same phone number, email and/or CC info. Currently, when we create a new profile in the 'Customers' app and process a sale, adding the same phone number or credit card to another profile causes the system to merge the profiles. This overwrites data and links them as the same profile, depending on which one is edited and saved. We need the profiles with shared phone or card info, etc. to remain distinct and not merge automatically.
*Currently using the Payments service plan.
2 votesThank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.
interac surcharge
I recently changed from a 3rd party app in Clover to Clover's built-in surcharge functionality for interac and credit transactions. The credit portion works perfectly, the surcharge is always charged on credit transitions (tap or not). HOWEVER, your interac functionality is faulty! It will not charge the surcharge on tap transactions, it only charges on transactions where the customer inserts their card. This is a bug in my mind! Why would we not want surcharge applied to all interac transactions? The 3rd party app did so, so it's not a interac rule. It's clearly a bug in your software. Please…
2 votesThank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.
Ability to Manually Enter a Card On A Clover Compact, When doing an Authorization Only
Why doesn't a Clover Compact allow for manually keyed in transaction, when attempting an Authorization Only? This is supported on all other devices.
2 votesThank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.
Automatically Select Credit when Card is Inserted through the Payment Device
On the register app, the merchant needs to select tender, but some customers inserts their cards in the payment device such as mini on Clover Duo before the merchant makes the tender selection. Please program the device in a way that when the card is inserted, the tender type will be automatically credit card or the merchant can simply hit the confirm button to proceed with the credit card sale. Currently, when the card holder inserts their card before the tender type is selected, the merchant facing screen waits for the merchant to select the tender and the card holder…
2 votesThank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.
Allow user to change customer facing text on hosted checkout screen. For example change "Your Order" to "Your Donation"
Allow user to change customer facing text on hosted checkout screen. For example change "Your Order" to "Your Donation"
Currently you can only change the header and footer info.2 votesThank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.
Clover should give an option to change the long receipt barcode into fewer numbers.
Clover should give an option to change the long receipt barcode into fewer numbers. I have to note down the transaction ID or barcode for review purposes later on. Printing out is impossible. It is much better to key a few numbers then I can pull the previous transaction again whenever I need quickly.
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get rid of thanks for visiting screen
Get rid of the Thanks for Visiting Screen, after a transaction is approved. Or at least make it customizable or optional.
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Transaction number
Merchant would like transaction number to start at 00001 instead of 0000 or have option to set what number the transaction number starts with.
2 votesThank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.
Add contactless capability to the Solo!!
Add Contactless capability to the Solo
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Clover Go Tap to Pay
Allow Tap to Pay option in Clover Go to be enabled by the employees and not just the account owner. Clover account owners may not always use an iPhone and to restrict enabling this option to just the owner can restrict employees from using the Tap to Pay feature.
2 votesThank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.
need to see declined payment attempts with decline reason to report to customer
need to see declined payment attempts with the decline reason to report to customer so they can correct and try again
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Tap pay signature
Your company doesn’t offer a signature option if the customer does in fact use the tap to pay option. I have had disputes over transaction and feel that a signature option for this could be another layer of protection for the retailer.
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Pre-Authorization Signature
I take Pre-Authorizations at my business as a for of deposit holding the rental equipment.
I would like to be able to have a signature pop-up for a Pre-Authorization authorizing that the customer will allow a transaction to be made on this pre-auth in the instance they do not return or return with rental equipment that has been damaged. More security for the retailer if disputed by the customer1 voteThank you for submitting your Idea to UserVoice.
Surcharge Processing
While performing a sale the device displays the price + the surcharge amount, prior to the card being processed. This confuses customer's who are using a debit card as they think they are having the surcharge applied to their transactions.
The net sale and receipt will show that the surcharge was not applied but the process is confusing and irritating to the customer and merchant.
A suggested solution is to add "only applied to credit cards, not debit cards" after "+$xx merchant credit card surcharge".
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Assign Cash Drawer to Specific User
For accountability purposes, all other POS systems allow you to assign the cash drawer to yourself when you start your shift so that it will only open for your login. Others can still use the terminal for transactions, but if they hit cash as a payment method the drawer will not open for them, ensuring no one else has access to your assign cash bank. At the end of your shift, you unassign the drawer from your login so whoever is coming on after you can put their bank in the drawer and do the same. This is a basic…
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