Make the discount be able to have a decimal point. Instead of 4% it’s 3.846%
For cash discounting we need to increase all menu prices by 4% but then if someone pays with cash we need to implement a 3.846% discount to the entire order for everything to equal out.
Richard Lindberg commented
When a table decides to separate their bill into individual guests and we have the cash discount turned on, once the first person decides if they want to pay cash, the rest will get that discount whether or not they pay cash or credit. There should be a popup for each separate bill asking whether it is cash or credit. Especially since each bill becomes a separate ticket.
Michael Day commented
we have clients reported they need this feature as well
W. Leslie Long commented
Custom discounts created need to be allowed to have at lease 3 decimal points. For example if you are doing dual pricing and you have the cash price at $10 and Card price at $10.40, you need to be able to apply a "Cash Discount" amount of 3.846% to get that $10.40 price back down to the $10 Cash price.