Ability to refund & purchase before closing the transaction out
Customer comes in to return item but would like to purchase a new different item. Customer would like to only pay difference versus having a refund credited & then purchase the new item for the full amount.
Caitlin Arsenault commented
This is so critical. Why would a customer want to be refunded (which it takes banks sometimes up to 10 days to return funds), to be charged again for an item. Partial refunds are CRITICAL
Dyson Forbes commented
please show refunds in close out. makes no sense I have a close out for everything including a successful refund. makes accounting wonky.
Anonymous commented
This would be easily solved if we could ring up an item as a negative amount.
Feedback4Clover commented
please add
Anonymous commented
Please consider. We're having alot of issues with this.
Trevor commented
Saves merchant time! Please add!
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature. Crucial piece.
Anonymous commented
much needed!
Lulu M commented
That is a partial refund, right? Please Clover allow for partial refunds to be possible. Partial refunds, partial refunds, partial refunds needed.
The merchant would like the ability to scan the item/items when processing a refund or exchange. The clover only works scanning the order for refund/exchange.