Tip Adjust After Sale and During Sale
A typical merchant that does counter sales and delivery such as a pizza restaurant, wants to have the tip suggest at the counter but have the ability to do tip adjust after the auth for the delivery tickets. The CC is run before the delivery and they bring the receipt back with a tip on it. Currently the only option is 100% at the counter or 100% after the sale.
Kyle Wigginton commented
I don't think my first well thought out post actually posted :(
Here goes again...the tip suggestion popping up before or after the sale should be a togglable function. We, a bar, need it to pop up after the transaction so we aren't placing the guest in an awkward situation before we run their card...also we need to be able to rename tabs without using the "notes" function as it isn't an efficient use of time. Time is money in volume bars.
Kyle Wigginton commented
I'm thinking this is close to my suggestion too...We, a bar, do counter sales and it's very awkward when you have to ask someone to add their tip then spin the clover back around to run their card. This should be a feature each business can toggle to best support their needs...also add an edit tab names button. Naming through (Notes) isn't an efficient method. It's very time-sensitive which means it's costing volume bars money.
Lulu M commented
That goes too for beaurty shops, where the tip might have been entered by mistake by the client on the whole transaction (i.e services+products, as opposed to just services.) The honest merchant should have the possibility to CORRECT (i.e. issue a partial refund on the transaction) the entry to lower the tip to the right amount. That would avoid overcharging the client, or making complications for the honest merchant trying to do right by his/her client. As it it now with CLOVER FLEX, the merchant can only refund the entire transaction. Not a practical way to do business.