Edit partial refund amount on Orders App.
Merchant requested to have the ability on the Orders App when doing a refund, that instead of choosing the items to refund, to have the ability to change the amount of the item being refunded, not just the full amount of the item. For example: this merchant sells school uniforms, but he does take used uniforms from parents and wants to refund them, he does not want to refund the full amount that the parent paid for the uniform but he want to be able to edit the amount refunded to the parent. He wants to be able to partial refund but not have to choose an item and refund that item at full price since the uniform is being returned to him used not new.
Thank you for your suggestion, but this request does not align with our current priorities.
If you build an order with inventory, you may only ever be able to refund in full, or partially by item.
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