Make the customer app usable for Wholesaler
Currently, you can not search by business name. We are required to assign tax exempt customers to transactions in my state for the Comptrollers office. I can not pull up our non-profit or tax exempt customers by business name. There should also be a way to denote a customer as being tax exempt with form on file. Currently, we have to reprint each transaction and manually file it in a customer file (since switching from NCR to Clover). This is creating hours of extra work because half of our customers have a tax exempt status. The workaround is to use the name field, but that eliminates us having personal contact information for a rep from that company.
Also, on this subject, we have about 800 customers that receive a special discount from certain categories in our system based on their business type. Automatically applying that discount would be a huge time saver and would put Clover one step closer to being a usable POS system.