Payeezy Migration
We were forcibly migrated onto the Clover system from Payeezy.
The hosted checkout page was useful because we didn't need to cover our website under PCI compliance.
We used the hosted checkout page to capture tokenized card numbers that we could then use for re-authorizations for recurring payments. We don't use the built in recurring option because we often have to adjust the amount to run.
There are 2 big problems we're having with the replacement hosted checkout pages.
1) On Payeezy, when a customer completed the payment on the hosted page, Payeezy would send an HTTP post back to our website with the payment details. This would happen without any user interaction. We would then present the customer with the payment receipt.
Right now the customer has to click a button to go back to our page instead of it happening automatically.
This option was set in the Receipt Page settings in the hosted checkout page with the option:
Automatic linking to the receipt page including result parameters using HTTP POST method (AUTO-POST)
That option is present in the Clover Hosted Checkout page, but it doesn't do the same thing.
2) The second issue, is if the user does click the button to go back to our website, the HTTP post does happen, but it doesn't include the necessary information.
Here's what we were using before (field names might not be 100% accurate, have to pull from various sources.
CardholderName - The name on the card
CardNumber - A tokenzed card number that can be used to send new transactions (Transarmor Token)
Exiry - The exiration date
CardType - The card type (Visa/Mastercard/etc)
Amount - The amount the transaction was for
TransactionType - The type of transaction (Purchase, refund, etc)
status - The status of the transaction (Approved, Declined)
BankeResponse - 3 digit numeric code from the bank
ETGResponse - 2 digit numeric code
AuthNo - The authroization number
time - The date and time of the transaction
RefNum - The Transaction Reference number. This is a number we passed to the hosted page for tracking purposes
CustRefNum - This is a customer reference number. We passed this to the hosted checkout page for tracking purposes.
Reference3 - Another reference field
AccountName - Our business name
MerchantName - Our business name
MerchantCode - a 12 digit code
TerminalName - The terminal Name
Gateway - The Gateway ID
Timestamp - A UnixTimestamp when the transaction occured.
BillingAddress1 - Billing Address Line 1
BillingAddress2 - Billing Address Line 2
BillingCity - The Billing City
BillingState - The billing state
BillingZip - The billing Zip Code
Email - the email address presented for the receipt.