Show Modifiers without showing their price on Payment Receipts
Currently Payment receipts have 3 different options for modifiers.
- Show All Modifiers
- Show Only Priced Modifiers
- Dont Show Modifiers
It would be nice if Clover offered a 4th option that a lot of other POS systems do. This option would be to "Show Modifiers without Price". Essentially this will show the modifiers on each item but the up charges for each item would just accumulate to the items subtotal instead of showing them listed individually.
For example. If I had a burger that cost $8.99 and I added an "Extra Patty" modifier for $1.50. Currently Clover's receipts will show the following:
- BURGER. $8.99
Extra Patty $1.50
With the option I am suggesting it would make the receipt look like this:
- BURGER. $10.49
Extra Patty
The closest thing to this currently is the "Don't Show Any Modifiers" option. But this option removes the modifiers entirely. A lot of my restaurant merchants want the modifiers to still show but not show the upcharge for each modifier
Thanks for your consideration Clover!

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