Need the Mini Clover to be able to manually key in EBT card number
Noting that manual entry of EBT card numbers is now supported.
Anonymous commented
Should be able to key in EBT card at checkout
Anonymous commented
This was planned in Feb 2018, what changed since then any why wasn't this implemented?
Becky Ruppenthal commented
This is a big problem and causing merchants to return devices.
support commented
Merchant should be able to type the EBT card manually and still have the customer enter the pin number.
Merchant stated his old terminal can do manual EBT card transactions and then prompt for the customer to enter his pin. there is no reason Clover cannot do the same.
Brandon commented
Hello, what is the estimated date for the roll out of the update?
support commented
All Clover devices
Anonymous commented
Yes, we need the ability to check balances on EBT cards as well. Basically all the features available on the legacy FD POS retail solution needs to be on the station. For a Station + Mini tethered the cashier cannot check a balance on an EBT card. If the balance on the EBT card is a pennie less than what's is due the transaction will decline. It would be nice if the cashier would get a balance with that decline or just have ability to check balance without taking the Mini out of customer facing mode.
Anonymous commented
EBT integration.
We need TRUE EBT integration on Clover Station when using customer facing Mini.
Josh commented
EBT Balance should show on every approved or declined receipt.