Pay Now Button
Many gateways have ability to create a button or link to a payment page for customers. This is common with doctors offices and a bunch of other service providers. You click the button, and then redirect to a secure Clover hosted page that gives them the ability to pay an invoice.
We agree that this is a common and useful gateway feature. We’ve started implementing this capability and look forward to rolling it out in 2022.
Tony Manackal commented
A payment link feature would be super useful!
Tony Manackal commented
A payment link feature would be very useful, thats a good idea!
Traci Schalit commented
Yes! You definately need to add a payment link feature to the product offering.
Kevin commented
Not having this feature is driving our sales people crazy. It's such a hole in the Clover product offering. Clover has all of the other gateway features in place except for the ability to generate a payment link for a merchants website. Kindly put this into the development queue and get this into production so we don't have to give this business to a different gateway.