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Management Functions

Welcome to the feedback forum for Clover Management Functions. Please share your ideas for how we can update our Clover management software to help merchants run their business simply and easily. Specifically, this forum should only include ideas surrounding built in management functions (feedback on business management apps should be included in the Apps/App Marketplace forum). We are listening and we use this feedback to prioritize our roadmap.

Here are quick descriptions of each category so that you can easily locate and post ideas in the correct place!

1. Clover Dashboard Functionality: Share your thoughts on how the Clover Dashboard as a whole can function more effectively. 

2. Restaurant Menus and Clover Dining: Share your thoughts on all functions that specifically have to do with Clover Dining such as Clover’s built-in menu creation feature.

3. E-Commerce Management/Clover Online Ordering: Please include all your feedback and suggestions for enhancing Clovers e-commerce management software including Clover Online Ordering.

4. Inventory/Order Management: Please include all your feedback and suggestions for enhancing Clovers inventory management software.

5. Receipt Management: Provide ideas related to order receipts here including kitchen receipts, customer receipts and merchant copies. Tell us how Clover can enhance the processing of, information on, and appearance of various types of receipts.

6. Employee Management: Please include all your feedback and suggestions for enhancing Clovers employee management software. This includes permissions, viewing and editing employee roles, employee satisfaction, scheduling, owner access and more. If you have tipping suggestions, please include these ideas in the Tipping category of the Taking Payments forum.

7. Software Plans: Here you can provide feedback on Clover’s software plans. Please specify which plan your idea is featuring (Table Service Restaurants, Counter Service Restaurants, Register, Essentials, Payments).

8. Other Management Suggestions: Place your idea here if you have feedback that does not fit in any of the other forum categories.


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1116 results found

  1. allow us to upload full screen ads when the clover kiosk is idled

    resolution can be 2k or 4k.

    the magnifying image on the kiosk is really ugly in my opinion

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  2. Allow Admin to enable/disable a staff member to add/remove service charge. While it is imperative to have the system restrict removing the service charge due to operational loss. In certain environments its required to add a service charge at odd hours of the day depending on the order. We need to be able to restrict the addition or removal with the admin code

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  5. When a server selects "Fire All" or "Save" need to have the option where it will auto log off the server/employee.

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  6. The app made by Clover, called Order Inspector, does NOT support the Clover Kiosk or the Clover Flex. We are asking Clover to make Order Inspector available on the Clover Kiosk and the Clover Flex that are widely used devices.

    This is the only App made by Clover, available on the Clover App Marketplace that allows you to view, print and email a report of all orders for your own records or for external auditors. This report shows all orders created from that Clover device (including payments) on the current day and can be printed to your receipt printer or…

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  7. Currently the invoice payment notification only comes to the email owners account. It should be able to come to an email that the owner sets as the email. We have staff that sends out the invoices but the only way they know someone has paid is if the owner tells them they got the notification in their owners email box. This should be able to be set to go wherever the owner wants it, because this is inefficient for the owner otherwise.

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  8. The ability to edit the price when going into Register and selecting the item. Have a toggle switch for edit pricing under Price Per Copy with no quantity limits.
    Variable pricing does not work
    because it limits the quantity count.

    Our old POS had a check box for adjusted pricing. Whenever we pull up that product, let's say a color copy at $.039, we could click on the price and change the cost immediately when creating an order. All of this without going back into Inventory and changing the price. It's a price change just for that particular order then…

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  9. While we export the open order details, we have only selling price details in the sheet. Cost price details are not available. Need an option for getting the cost price for the open order items.

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  10. Assign categories per employee code. This would allow categories and inventory items to be assigned and accessible based on their employee code. Currently all employees can see all categories and inventory items and run transactions from any category.

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  11. The should be an option to add parenthesis and dashes to the phone number that appears on the customers receipts.

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  12. A way to upload a file for tax rates would be beneficial for the VT merchants that have to manually choose tax rates based on where they are shipping goods. Right now each tax rate has to be manually uploaded if they do not have items.

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  13. Posting 2 ideas that are needed
    1. I offer rolls, where each roll is $8. However if a patron purchases 2 rolls, i want to offer it for $15. The rolls (or any menu item), needs to have a combiner option to push through deals that pushes sales higher
    2. The menu also offers meals, which is a roll, fries and a drink (coke, sprite etc) for $12, i want to able to offer a customer to replace this drink with a milkshare for an additional $2, to get the total to $14. Again an upcharge oppurtunity to push sales…

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  14. "Print Menu QR Code" just appeared in our register options dropdown today. We will not use that and would like to be able to remove it from the options.

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  15. We should be able to copy/multiply modifier groups so that we don't have to create almost the same modifier groups for different items. It would save a lot of time!

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  16. Change item quantities during orders -Currently, for all devices except Clover Flex, we can use the QTY Quantity bar at the top of the screen. Please enable this feature on Clover Flex as well. Businesses want to use Flex to take orders at the table and entering the same item multiple times is inconvenient -not functional during a dinner rush.

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  17. Problem: The Franchisor, is the owner of the chain and franchises his restaurants. As part of that relationship the owner / franchisor needs to control (lockdown) the Franchisee's pricing / inventory. All locations are chained/linked together in Clover for management reasons and to facilitate their gift card program across all locations. Franchisees have begun altering the inventory/pricing which changes the pricing at all locations impacting the sales revenue of all franchises.

    Currently clover has a way to add a franchisee role but they have to be modeled after a manager or admin or employee. In creating a role for a…

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  18. Merchants need the ability to make changes to one device that does not impact other devices on the same MID.

    This impacts a lot, so I am sure there are dozens (maybe hundreds) of other clover update requests that are encompassed in this

    - Retail, Clover mini has local city tax rate, but the Clover go for Travel shows can have their own city tax rate
    - Restaurant, Clover station signs on receipt, but the Clover flex does sign on screen

    PRO - Merchant would have more precise and dynamic control of their systems

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  19. First, let's start off saying that I love the clover system. Very user friendly!!
    When doing inventory is it very organized in a-z order but when working the inventory in letter beginning in f after editing it sends you back to the top start. If it could hold the inventory where you left off would be very helpful especially when clearing out old inventory. In reporting, items sales breaking down the categories for sales report it used to hold the category you have selected for the next day now it clears, and you have to select the category items from…

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  20. When someone orders a double, I’d like to be able to just double the price of the liquor selected. Since every alcohol has a different price, my only option is to make a unique modifier for every single bottle of booze, instead of just 1 modifier that has a variable price depending on the item being doubled.

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