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There are a lot of ways to take a payment. Let us know your ideas to help advance Clover’s payments acceptance process here. We are listening and we use this feedback to prioritize our roadmap.

Here are quick descriptions of each category so that you can easily locate and post ideas in the correct place!

Discounts: Ideas related to Clover’s Discount feature.

Recurring Payments: Ideas relating to Clover’s Recurring Payments feature.

Refund/Exchange: Ideas relating to Clover's Refund & Exchange functionality.

Taxes: Ideas related to configuring, charging and managing taxes.

Tipping: Ideas relating to tipping.

Virtual Terminal: Ideas related to Clover’s Virtual Terminal

Voids: Ideas related to Clover’s voiding functionality.




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130 results found

  1. For cash payments, we have found that prices are not rounded.

    For example, a purchase of $1.27 rounded up to $1.30 or

    When refunding, instead of $3.02, round up to $3 or instead of $2.78, round up to $2.80.

    This worked very well on our old cash register system.

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  2. We would like to be able to add the 3% credit card surcharge / non cash fee to the ecommerce payment link. Thank you

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  3. Currently, the staff can find me as a user/contact and then place my order in order to auto-fill my email address when i make payment.

    The problem is, the all the staff don't know me so i have to type my email all the time which is frustrating. Why not remember my details based on card details like other stores.

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  4. On the Clover Dashboard, you are able to go to a transaction and refund a specific item from that receipt, but there is not option to refund the taxes/fees or not. On the device itself, however, I cannot select a specific item within a receipt to refund, but when I manually type in the amount to refund, I AM given the option to refund taxes/fees or not.

    We should be able to do identical processes with this on the device AND the dashboard. We want to track the specific items refunded, but we cannot do that without paying the credit…

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  5. Create an option to remove sales tax for cash only transactions without having to manually remove sales tax.

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  6. I have elderly customers who don't know how to make payments with their phones so I do so manually. I should be able to apply the payment to their invoices. How does your website not have this feature? It seems like basic accounting should be included so I can track all my transactions and separate them by category and type.

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  7. When a merchant sets up recurring payments, they can set the start date but not the start time. If they want the transaction to be billed at a specific time, is that possible? Or is the billing time random? Or is the time based on the time the recurring payment was set up? Can a start time field be added after the start date?

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  8. Many locations have unique tax requirements that require a Tax Rate to be assessed and then a second Tax Rate to be assessed on that total.

    For example - Restaurant tax then sales tax. Example: 12.00 drink X 2.5% = .30, then 12.30 x 7% = .86, total bill is 13.16

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  9. I have a merchant using Clover's Web Payment option, which currently provides an optional alphanumeric text box for customers to enter information during payment. Unfortunately, the response rate is low because customers aren't required to fill it out.

    Is there a way to make this field mandatory so that customers must enter their Customer Number or Invoice Number? Additionally, are there plans to allow for more than one alphanumeric field?

    It might be helpful to create a feature on the merchant's dashboard to toggle this field as "required."

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  10. We provide beauty services. The tips set up is On Printed Receipt. Sometime customer tell to add the tip but there is no way to add the tip until the transaction is printed out. Situation like this, I like to see the sales amount, tip amount, and total printed on the receipt. When I change the tips set up to On Screen, then if customer don't tell then there is no tip line on the receipt and as a result customer can't write any tip and that make a loss to our business. Can Clove do something about this?

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  11. It would be helpful to assign a recurring payment to a specific item. It would make inventory much easier to know where the recurring payment is for.

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  12. On the Feb 2025 roadmap call, Clover hinted that the number of employees on the Payments plan would be limited sometime during the second half of 2025 because that's what the competition does. PLEASE thoughtfully consider how this is executed as ISOs and Agents typically have employee sign-ins to merchants as Admins in order to provide a high level of support. A SuperUser view or permission for certain emails to be added outside of the employee "count" would be a solution.

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  13. Right now, the Clover device makes you select a tip before instructing you to insert or tap your card . We can speed the process up by just inserting the card at any point right now —-but the tap feature, which is what everybody is gravitating towards now, is not activated until after the tip is selected. In fast environments when a bartender puts the flex down for the customer, the customer is selecting the tip button and walking away. So not only is there a speed component that’s better with toast, but there is a liability component that doesn’t…

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  14. Hello we have problem the waiter is only allowed to order and print reciept ! so when customer goes to pay at the cashier the tip goes to cashier.

    we also have another problem we can only scan with the order section .

    the scanner is not compatible with dining in app

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  15. Your company doesn’t offer a signature option if the customer does in fact use the tap to pay option. I have had disputes over transaction and feel that a signature option for this could be another layer of protection for the retailer.

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  16. I take Pre-Authorizations at my business as a for of deposit holding the rental equipment.
    I would like to be able to have a signature pop-up for a Pre-Authorization authorizing that the customer will allow a transaction to be made on this pre-auth in the instance they do not return or return with rental equipment that has been damaged. More security for the retailer if disputed by the customer

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  17. the invoice option under "new sale" is very limiting. It does not allow to enter specific items, limited information for the customer, and will not allow to enter check or cash for payment. We had to add "invoiss" as an additional app in order to do business.

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  18. We were Moneris clients until recently, Moneris emailed receipt allowed you to add information like invoice numbers contained in the payment. Many of our clients have multiple locations and use one card to pay all of them. without that information they have to call or write us for help to reconcile the creates more work for no reason. It would be useful to add a field for a string of a few characters.

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  19. Your rewards program needs a LOT of work and a LOT MORE INSTRUCTIONS posted. I was able to get a $ off discount to work, but that is not optimal for my type of business. I would like to offer a 5% discount after $100 purchase, but that doesn't work at all. There are so many broken pieces to the rewards "program" I hardly know where to begin. The pop-up box after the customer checks in asks for the amount of today's purchase; when that is entered, it automatically awards them points before it is even paid for. That is…

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  20. While performing a sale the device displays the price + the surcharge amount, prior to the card being processed. This confuses customer's who are using a debit card as they think they are having the surcharge applied to their transactions.

    The net sale and receipt will show that the surcharge was not applied but the process is confusing and irritating to the customer and merchant.

    A suggested solution is to add "only applied to credit cards, not debit cards" after "+$xx merchant credit card surcharge".

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