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Welcome to the Clover Restaurant Forum.  You're here because you are a Clover Restaurant merchant and would like to submit ideas that you feel would enhance/improve Clover's current offerings in the Restaurant space. 

In order to submit your idea you'll need to give it a Title then select the Category that best matches your idea.  Below are brief descriptions of the Clover Restaurant Categories.

Here are quick descriptions of each category so that you can easily locate and post ideas in the correct place!

Clover Dining: Ideas related to table management and the Clover Dining experience.

Employees: Please include all your feedback and suggestions for enhancing Clovers employee management software. This includes permissions, viewing and editing employee roles, employee satisfaction, scheduling, owner access and more. If you have tipping suggestions, please include these ideas in the Tipping category of the Taking Payments forum.

Engagement: Share your thoughts on Clover’s built-in software that allows businesses to manage customers including viewing/storing customer information.

Hardware: Ideas related to Clover hardware in the Restaurant space

Inventory: Please include all your feedback and suggestions for enhancing Clover’s inventory management software.

Invoice: Ideas related to Clover’s Invoicing feature.

Kitchen Management: Ideas related to KDS, Kitchen Printers, etc. 

Menu: Share your thoughts on all functions that specifically have to do with Clover Dining such as Clover’s built-in menu creation feature.

Orders: Ideas relating to the process of creating and managing Orders.

Reporting: Ideas relating to improving and enhancing Clover’s reporting.

Website: Ideas related to your Clover branded website.




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222 results found

  1. I can't think of a single marketplace on the internet besides Clover that does this.

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  2. Need a variable $ or % for specialized promotions.

    For example come in for a free toppings!

    (Customer topping choice price might vary, causing the need for several discounts)

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  3. Online Order should have a "Reset Prices to POS” when we edit the menu prices. When editing the prices and increasing the percentage for the menu, you are able to add a percentage but what happens if you want to go from say 30$ (uber/ Doordash) to 15%. it adds up to 45%

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  4. the KDS will display ( totals or "all days"). if there are 3 orders in the KDS, it will display the "all day" totals in the queue , if there are 2 NY steak orders on all three orders, the KDS will display they are a total of 9 NY steaks that are needed

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  5. I would like to access prep times per order & per day. We receive at times that food took too long and then we need to access the data. Also to monitor the efficiency of the kitchen.

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  6. Merchants who are using CSR plan would like to eliminate the lengthy process of getting to print bill especially when they are busy. Can you please add that feature to the Register App so merchant can print bill right from register instead of going to Orders>Reissue Receipt>Print Bill? Thank you.

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  7. Clover automatically deducts gratuities/service charges from the end-of-day report like tips, or is manual processing required to ensure accurate reporting?

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  8. there is a widespread need for a Catering app or catering order functions added to clover. restaurants need the ability to take a catering order from clover inventory items, send that order as a proposal, have the client accept the proposal and partial pay (deposit) or full pay the order, then track food quantity needed, date for preparation, date for pickup or delivery, delivery location, and confirmation. There is NO clover app of function for this, and no really good web-based option either.

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    The Clover App Market is not available on PHYSICAL equipment Clover Kiosk and Clover Compact. In Puerto Rico we need to download the app IVU CONTROL but because the APP MARKET is not enabled, we can not do download.

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  10. allow us to upload full screen ads when the clover kiosk is idled

    resolution can be 2k or 4k.

    the magnifying image on the kiosk is really ugly in my opinion

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  11. Provide an option to have customer provide immediate rating/review when completing a transaction on device. Ex: "How did we do today?" 1 - 5 stars.
    Something that could be customizable. Ability to ask several questions.

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  12. When a server selects "Fire All" or "Save" need to have the option where it will auto log off the server/employee.

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  13. The app made by Clover, called Order Inspector, does NOT support the Clover Kiosk or the Clover Flex. We are asking Clover to make Order Inspector available on the Clover Kiosk and the Clover Flex that are widely used devices.

    This is the only App made by Clover, available on the Clover App Marketplace that allows you to view, print and email a report of all orders for your own records or for external auditors. This report shows all orders created from that Clover device (including payments) on the current day and can be printed to your receipt printer or…

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  14. Need to be able to select to recieve and email or text of each transaction when it happens, just like if you send an invoice to someone you get notified they paid it.

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  15. Linerless labels are gaining popularity with QSR restaurants, coffee and tea shops included. I don't believe the Clover thermal kitchen printer Star TSP100 will work with those labels/paper.

    Please add linerless label printer compatibility or offer the compatible printer for sale.

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  16. While we export the open order details, we have only selling price details in the sheet. Cost price details are not available. Need an option for getting the cost price for the open order items.

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  17. Assign categories per employee code. This would allow categories and inventory items to be assigned and accessible based on their employee code. Currently all employees can see all categories and inventory items and run transactions from any category.

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  18. When running Sales Overview reports there needs to be a way to choose multiple employees at once to export, so they are in one file and separated into different tabs. Currently I have to run individual reports for each employee then combine them into one Excel spreadsheet so they're on their own tabs.

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  19. "Print Menu QR Code" just appeared in our register options dropdown today. We will not use that and would like to be able to remove it from the options.

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  20. Wall mounted Solo options for servers would have allowed us to gain 2 major accounts. They ended up going with xxx because they felt if Clover couldn't accommodate something as simple as a wall mounted server station, then what else are they missing.

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